Q: How do I purchase a products from Marine Parts Warehouse?
A: You are always welcome to call and speak with us directly over the phone, but for the most efficient fastest service please place the order online.
Q: How fast do the parts ship out?
A: We do our best to ship all remanufactured and new parts out on the same or following business day. We always check with our distributors to make sure the item is in stock. If the item is out of stock, we will contact you immediately and let you decide if you would like to wait for the item, or if you would like a refund. Used parts normally ship within 1-3 days (with some exceptions) depending on what you have ordered.
Q: What companies do you use for shipping?
A: New and rebuilt parts will either ship with UPS or Fed-Ex. Used parts that ship from our warehouse here in KY, will ship with USPS or UPS depending on your location and the size of the part.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes, we are glad to ship parts internationally. All of the shipping charges posted on our website are for domestic delivery. There will be additional charges for international delivery. We will contact you after your order is placed and send a Paypal money request for the additional charges. All international powerhead orders we be required to respond to an email stating they would be responsible for all return and re-delivery shipping costs in the event of a warranty claim. No matter what the cause of the claim is.
Q: Are there additional shipping charges for Hawaii, Alaska or any United States Territory?
A: Yes, all shipping charges posted on the website are for domestic (lower 48 states) delivery. All shipments going to Hawaii, Alaska or any United States territory will incur additional shipping charges.
Q: What is your return policy on outboard motor supplies?
A: We do accept returns. All new and remanufactured parts must be in the same condition as when they were shipped and cannot have been installed. If the new or remanufactured part was ordered incorrectly by us, we will gladly accept the part back and refund your money including the shipping. All new and remanufactured returns will incur a 10 % restocking fee.
If it is a used part we will exchange for another used part first and if we do not have another one in stock, we will refund your money. Returns for used parts for anything other than warranty claims within 30 days will be subject to a 10% restocking fee.
Q: What is the warranty on remanufactured (OBR) powerheads, lower units and tilt and trims?
A: The remanufacturer offers a one year limited warranty. If you have a warranty claim, please contact us. We will issue a return shipping label and the product will be shipped back to the remanufacturer for inspection. If the remanufacturer finds that something was wrong with the remanufacturing process and caused the product to fail the item will be covered 100%. the ramanufacturer will also pay a percent of shop fees. If the remanufacturer finds that an outside reason caused the product to fail the product will be repaired at a reduced labor and parts rate. Example: If the carburation was not set right on a remanufactured powerhead and caused the powerhead to lean out on 1 cylinder, this will not be covered. It would be repaired at a reduced rate. Please read our warranty polices under the "about us" tab.
Q: What is the warranty on the new aftermarket lower units?
A: The new aftermarket (SEI) lower units offer a three year fault free warranty. During the first year the return shipping is paid by the manufacturer. During the last two years, if you have a claim shipping is paid by the customer. We read SEI's warranty information under the "about us" tab.
Q: Do you provide service work?
A: We are not a service center. We only sell parts and used outboard motors.
Q: What are your hours of business?
A: We are open from 9-4 central time. Monday thru Friday.
Q: Are pick-ups welcome?
A: On new and remanufactured parts, the products are not stocked here in KY; they are drop shipped from various distributors across the country. On used parts we welcome pick-up for parts. We encourage you to bring the old part along with you to help us match it up correctly.
Q: What is your physical address:
A: Marine Parts Warehouse 120 Cartertown Road Scottsville, KY 42164
Q: What is your phone number?
A: 270-618-5200